We are all lifelong learners, and we should exist in a state of continuous development. Fuller Freedom Consulting understands that professional development is critical to advancing and enriching the experience of ourselves and those around us. Everyone should be part of the Fuller Experience; purposeful, thoughtful, and inspirational PD sessions.
*Depending on client needs and time allocation, sessions may be stand-alone or developed into a multi-part series.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) & Critical Race Theory
Holding Space Without Harm: Developing Affinity Group Leaders
Waking up in whiteness: white supremacy & privilege in education
Unpacking white Fragility
Practicing Self-Care in the Face of white Fragility
Implicit Bias & its Disproportionate Impact on Black Youth
Trauma-Sensitive Approaches
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) & the Manifestation of Trauma in Schools
Vicarious Trauma & its Impact on Boundaries
Generating “Coming Home Rituals” to Actualize a Plan for Self Care
The Three Core Tenets of Trauma-Sensitive Care
Home-School Alignment: Conversations About Trauma-Sensitive Approaches With Caregivers & Outside Service Providers
Grief Processing Circles: An Opportunity to Sit With Loss as a School Community
The Four Functions: Intro to Behaviors as Communication
De-escalation & Non-violent Crisis Intervention
Behavior Intervention Maps (BIMs): Aligning Adults as they Support a Tier 2 Behavior Need
Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs): Writing Behavior Plans for Scholars with IEPs
Behavior Work Burst: How to Plan and Implement Interventions that Replace Maladaptive Behaviors
Restorative Practices
Introduction to Restorative Practices
Using Restorative Circles Effectively
Being a WITH Educator: Anchoring in the Social Discipline Window
Fair Process: The Strategy Behind Change Management
The 3 Rs of Logical Consequences
Social-Emotional Learning
Introduction to SEL: The What and Why of this Essential Content Area
Culturally Humble SEL: Combating White Washing & Spirit Murdering during Instruction
The CASEL Competencies- Understanding Standards for Rigorous SEL Instruction
Internalization Systems: Supporting Educators to Transfer an SEL curriculum into Strong Practice
Change Management Crosswalking: Mapping Your SEL Curricula with Existing School Initiatives”
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Introduction to MTSS: Defining the Work for your System
Leveraging Universal and Diagnostic Assessments
Progress Monitoring: Capturing and Utilizing Formative Data to Drive Interventions
Meeting Scholars on the Margins: Best Practices for Serving…
Unhoused/Foster youth (designated McKinney-Vento status)
Scholars with 504 plans
Students with elevated Mental Health needs
MTSS Work Burst: Establishing a Data-driven Intervention Plan for a High Needs Scholar
Culturally Responsive Teaching
Defining CRT & the 3 Distinctions of Equity
Can They See Themselves? Bringing Culture & Community into the Classroom
Their Brain ‘On Trust’: Establishing Safety for Relationships & Rigor to Grow
Self-evaluation: Using a Rubric to Assess CRT Pedagogical Progress
CRT Work Burst: Hammond’s “3 tips to make any lesson more culturally responsive”
Student Services
504s: Systems, Compliance, Progress Monitoring & Best Practices
UCPs: Conducting Investigations & Stakeholder Management
McKinney-Vento: Navigating legal protections and Supporting Homeless & Foster Youth on the Margins
Progressive Discipline Series: logical consequences, alternatives to suspension, & Restorative Practices
The Roadmap for Discipline Compliance: Interpreting Education Codes & FERPA
Chronic Absenteeism: Proactive & Responsive Attendance Interventions
Mock Compliance Hearings for SARBS & Expulsions
Crisis Management Systems: From Documentation to Decompression